First Session of Acquaintance and Trust - MeTerra

First Session of Acquaintance and Trust


SKU: MTRHS001-EN Category:

The counseling or healing* path is based on the very relationship of the Therapist-Counselor with the healing seeker. Only when the patient feels safe, comfortable and intimate can he be left to a healing session and receive what the counselor has to offer. In order to develop this basic relationship we provide the possibility of 30 minutes of communication, during which the first contact can be made.

Do you feel the confidence and comfort to open up and accept from me what I offer? In a first communication, you can describe your topic or goal and feel if you are ready / willing to accept my supportive contribution. How you will feel before and after our communication is a first guide to trust.

The  sessions are set by appointment and are conducted via messenger, viber, telegram, skype or messenger.

  • For english speaking people, is better to include a translator during the phase of the verbal communication. Barbara, from the Team of MeTerra, will assist us in this healing occasions. There is no extra charge for you.

Note: the sessions refer to holistic, energetic, supportive and spiritual healing or counseling in the context of self-knowledge, self-healing and self-improvement. The goal is to:Σε

  • activate the body’s inherent self-healing forces,
  • heal potential energy residues of painful experiences, especially that of the childhood
  • identify and erase misconceptions,
  • strengthen the decision to achieve your goals,
  • improve the quality of life and finally
  • experience the best version of yourself.

through my contribution.

We do not promise “cure” in the scientific sense of the word nor do we replace your doctor in any way.


Counseling or Healing Services


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