Healing Myth Stories
with Vasiliki
9 Interactive Broadcasts, 9 initiation and rebirth journeys. With Vasiliki Kourougeorgaki.
With “Grandma SaMana” we follow the path from trauma and darkness, to redemption. From pain and Karma, to Joy and Renaissance. From darkness to light. From “disease” to vigor. Guided by the images and the symbols, as the language of the Soul, we clarify the impressions on our psychic and mental body and bring healing with the most ancient Sacred Medicine methods.
During the live broadcasts, we approach recordings, beliefs and painful or traumatic memories of the soul and experimentally return to our present, that part of the soul which had been frozen back in time, affecting our lives until today. Through the questions of the listeners that emerge during the event, the issues that lurk in each participant are solved level by level, until each one emerges beyond the fear and pain, with truth and through a flow of joy, in its wholeness and power.
Inception: Sunday, March 7 2021
Expiry: Sunday, May 2 2021
Duration: 9 weeks, every Sunday
Dates: 7, 14, 21, 28 March, 4, 11, 18, 25 April and 2 May, 2021 from 7pm to 9:15pm UTC
Participation: 333 €* Offer of acquaintance: 119€
Place: online (zoom)

Balance Body, Heart and Mind
with Barbara
One hour Live Interactive Shows, with hatha yoga exercises for balance in body and mind. With Barbara Doukaki.
” Through hatha yoga we learn to listen to our body, by using the asanas of Patañjali, so that our body is in a relative balance, which usually lasts for several hours each day.
These asanas are tools that, through my experience, open the main parts of the body that accumulate active impressions, from what we have decided to keep in our expression consciously or unconsciously.
Thus, by releasing the useless elements from our body, we are given the opportunity to capture the useful ones for our daily life with more peace and clarity in our mind.
Come to deepen in this flow with hatha yoga and even contribute to a more beneficial world for ourselves and for those around us. “
Twice a week Wednesday’s afternoon at 17:00 UTC and Sunday’s morning at 9:00 UTC.
Inception: Sunday, February 14th, 2021 9:00 UTC Simple participation: 1 lesson, cost 11€
One month package: 8 lessons, cost 77€
Two month package: 16 lessons, cost 118€
Place: online (zoom)

Nature, Art and Subconscious Messages with Foteini
A Guide to the Primary Code of Visual Communication. With Foteini Tyraski.
Learn how they pass to you subconscious messages and become the key ruler of your mind!
“Lines are not just on paper or in a painting. They are all around us … In nature (the shape of the planets and their orbits, the horizon, the environment, the trees, the beings, etc.), in human creations (buildings, art, advertising, products, television, cinema etc.) and of course in any kind of art e.g. architecture, decoration, dance (the movements of a group of people, the movements and inclinations of the body, the lines drawn by the arms and legs).
Colors and lines, wherever they come from, always have the same meaning for our brain. We will remember and consciously recognize the meanings of lines and colors and this transforms us into thinking and awake spectators in front of works of art, advertising, television and cinema, product packaging, but also any form of art. After all, it is wonderful to know “what the poet wants to say…”
Inception: Friday, April 2, 2021 18:00
Expiry: Sunday, May 2 2021
Duration: 9 weeks, every Friday
Dates: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 April, 7, 14, 21, 28 Mai 2021 from 18:00 to 19:00 UTC Participation: Offer 119€
Place: online (zoom)