You need to regain your balance and strength? Your material body is governed by and follows the structure and purity of your energy body. Its balance and harmony are indicators of health. During the session, all energy entanglements, deficiencies or tensions are revealed and restored to harmony and flow. This harmonizes the main energy conductors, your energy centers (chakras) and your whole aura. The result of this energy healing is to balance with deep relaxation in body, soul and mind.
Place: Remote *
Duration: 45 minutes, (incl. 15 minutes of discussion).
The sessions are set by appointment and are conducted via messenger, viber, telegram, skype or messenger.
- For english speaking people, is better to include a translator during the phase of the verbal communication. Barbara, from the Team of MeTerra, will assist you in this healing occasions. There is no extra charge for you.
Note: the sessions refer to holistic, energy, supportive and spiritual healing or counseling in the context of self-knowledge, self-healing and self-improvement. The goal is through my contribution:
- to activate the body’s inherent self-healing forces,
- to heal potential energy residues of painful experiences, especially of childhood
- identify and erase misconceptions,
- to strengthen the decision to achieve your goals,
- to improve the quality of life and finally
- to experience the best version of yourself.
We do not promise “cure” in the scientific sense of the word, nor do we replace your doctor in any way.
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