Be the woman you are! - MeTerra

Be the woman you are!


Woman – Mother – Female Principle

Be the woman you are!

Woman – Mother – Female Principle

Do you feed? Do you mirror? Do you inspire?

or are you at a standstill?

Are you well balanced within your female gender or have you altered yourself by imitating more male roles for the sake of survival?

Do you experience peace within yourself or are you still fighting “like a man” to become famous?

The Great Mother Goddess, the Priestess, the Female Source of Conception, Creation and Birth who was set aside, marginalized, oppressed and raped during the centuries of the Patriarchate causing the degeneration, but also the alienation of the Woman herself from the Sacred qualities of her Sex, is necessary to return dynamically, not only for the woman herself to experience her enormous potential and to be a source of inspiration again, but also to restore balance and harmony in the world.

In this 3-day Seminar you will find step by step the Goddess within you again. You will experience the purification of impressions and “internal recordings” of centuries from your body memory, releasing what prevents you from experiencing and being the Grace, the beauty, the intuition, the abundance, the Power and the protector of Life itself and the future of the human race. 

Dates: 9, 16 April and 23 May 2021 at 8pm Athens Time

Limited seats. Apply Now!

Start: (Sundy, Mai 9, 2021 17:00 UTC)
Place: online (zoom)

Note: The purchase of the “product” ensures your participation in all three dates of this three-part experiential online seminar. You also gain access to the videotaped material and to the support and communication team of members of the seminar “Become the Woman You Are!” on facebook for the entire duration of the cycle.

* Purchases can be made after the 23rd of April. In this case you have direct access to the videotaped parts of the seminar that already preceded.


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