Healing Journeys with Vasiliki - MeTerra

Healing Journeys with Vasiliki

Original price was: €333,00.Current price is: €119,00.

From Trauma and Darkness to Redemption.
9 Interactive Broadcasts, 9 initiation and rebirth journeys.

From Trauma and Darkness to Redemption.
9 Interactive Broadcasts, 9 initiation and rebirth journeys.

With “Grandma SaMana” we follow the path from trauma to redemption. From pain and karma, to Joy and Renaissance. From darkness to light. From “disease” to vigor.

During live broadcasts we work at many levels, energetically and consciously. We are approaching recordings, beliefs and painful or traumatic memories of the soul and experientially we bring back to our NOW that part of the soul, that had been frozen back in time, affecting our lives unconsciously until today. Through the questions and issues of the listeners that emerge during each event, the issues that lurk in each participant are solved level by level, until each one emerges beyond fear and pain, with truth and a flow of joy, in its fullness and power.

At the same time we achieve the connection of our two cerebral hemispheres, where the subconscious or unconscious with its archetypal recordings, is connected with the logical, analytical Mind. Vertical thinking with horizontal thinking. The female Principal with the male Principal. In this way we bridge the inner, mythical world of the Soul with the world of awakening, which gradually brings multilevel benefits to our mental, emotional and mental world.

Start: Sunday, May 16 2021, at 9pm
End: Sunday July 11
Duration: 9 weeks, every Sunday at 9pm to 10:15pm
Dates: 16, 23, 30 May, 6, 13, 20, 27 Juny,  4, 11 July 2021
Place: online (zoom)



1. All participants are given access to the recorded material of the events for a period of one month. This way you can repeat the exercises in the fields we worked on as often as you wish. In addition, if at some point it is not possible to participate in the live event, which we recommend, you can immediately work with the material at your own time, by watching the recorded event.

2. The courses are translated into English and German, with direct translation during the events, depending on the needs of the participants, in order for the message and the depth of the provided work to reach our entire planet and be accessible in English and German-speaking world -at first. Ask us about the language you are interested in.

3. Τhe events of the shows refer to holistic, energetic, supportive and spiritual healing or counseling lessons and explanations of the archetypal language of the soul in the context of self-knowledge, self-healing and self-improvement. The goal is through my contribution:

  • to understand the mechanisms of communication and interaction between our mental, spiritual and intellectual world, and to understand in more depth the myths and archetypes of the universal heritage
  • to activate the body’s inherent self-healing forces,
  • to detect and remove potential subconscious programs from painful experiences, especially of childhood
  • το identify and delete / replace incorrect patterns and beliefs,
  • to be able to connect the inner intuitive wisdom with the conscious mind
  • το strengthen the decision to achieve your goals,
  • to improve the quality of life and finally
  • to experience the best version of your Self.

We do not promise “cure” in the scientific sense of the term, nor do we replace your doctor in any way.


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